About us

Your Quality and Regulatory Affairs Consultant in the field of medical devices

Quality and Regulatory Affairs consultant in the field of medical devices

Consultant in Quality and Regulatory Affairs

AIRMEDICE is a consultancy that specialises in the quality and regulation of medical devices.

I offer you customised support to ensure patient safety and the compliance of your healthcare products.

I work with professionals (manufacturers, distributors and subcontractors of all sizes) in the medical devices and Medtech sector, to offer quality expertise and solutions.

Choosing AIRMEDICE means partnering up with a company recognised for its experience and expertise in the field of medical devices.

By optimising the compliance of your processes, I can help you reduce your costs and get your products into the market faster, while strengthening human relations and collaboration with your team during your project.

Our Expertise

Clémentine, founder of AIRMEDICE, I have more than 17 years of experience in the field of quality management, including more than 11 years dedicated to medical devices.

I offer my expertise and years of experience to the service of companies in the medical field to help you ensure regulatory compliance with safe, high-performance products.

My unique background combines technical training in materials science with expertise in quality management, law and economics.  

This enables me to comprehend the regulatory and quality adversities in their entirety, so that I can offer customised solutions adapted to the specific needs of each company.

Driven by an insatiable curiosity, enthusiastic about challenges and passionate about new technologies, I get fully involved in every project, working in a considerate collaboration.

I can support you at every stage in the development of your healthcare products.

Together, we’re rising to the regulatory challenges and helping improve patients’ lives!

consultante en Qualité et Affaires Réglementaires dans le domaine des dispositifs médicaux

Clementine Sciascia

Quality and Regulatory Affairs Consultant

years of experience
+ 10
Technical files completed
+ 10
référentiels maîtrisés
+ 10